Best Way To Get Your Music Into Tiktok Streaming Music Service

  Discover the best way to get your music into TikTok streaming music service This article explores the best way that music creators and publishers can get their music into the TikTok streaming music.  Music creators and publishers should explore this music streaming platform that provides an opportunity for music revenue generation. TikTok is a social media … Continue reading Best Way To Get Your Music Into Tiktok Streaming Music Service →

Claim 120 FREE Plays On Air

Gift For Music Creators   200 FREE Credits For Guaranteed Plays On Air   With A Leading Online Radio Station   Get Guaranteed Radio Plays Towards Royalties     CLICK HERE TO CLAIM Keep Up To Date Please enter your email address in the box below We’ll send every new post instantly to your inbox … Continue reading Claim 120 FREE Plays On Air →

Positive Personal Experiences With Distrokid Music Distribution Company

This post is about my positive personal experiences with Distrokid Music Distribution Company This post describes the author’s positive personal experiences with Distrokid Music Distribution Company.  This interaction began in January 2016.  During my search for a music distributor, I came across many great companies. However,  I finally chose Distrokid because of the low yearly fees and...

Best Performance Rights Organizations For Music Creators And Publishers

Definition of the term  Performance Rights Organizations This article discusses the issue of Performance Rights Organizations For Music Creators. Registration with a Performance Rights Organization or PRO is critical since they are the mechanism through which royalties are collected for performances, whether live or recorded. Music creators, therefore need to pay attention here, since PROs...

How A Father Taught His Son To Walk To A Four-Four Beat

How A Father Taught His Son To Walk To A Four-Four Beat In this article, How A Father Taught His Son To Walk To A Four-Four Beat, we explain how Lyndon Delano Moss unearthed a mystery that has since been scientifically supported. “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to...

Distrokid Music Distribution Review

About  Distrokid  Music Distribution  review The purpose of this is Distrokid Music Distribution Review is to show you how you can independently distribute your music to 150 stores worldwide. Distrokid is a music distribution company that was founded by Phillip Kaplan, an American entrepreneur and computer programmer (Wikipedia, 2019). Distrokid is highly respected in the […]

AllTrack Performance Rights Organization For Music Creators And Publishers

WHAT IS ALLTRACK  PERFORMANCE RIGHTS ORGANIZATION? This article discusses  AllTrack which is a Performance Rights Organization (PRO) for music creators and publishers. AllTrack Performance Rights Organization is important for royalty collection and thus income generation for music creators and music publishers. One of the greatest advantages is that AllTrack is one of the few free performing rights organizations for music creators. Music creators are automatically registered […]

How I Register My Music Composition With The US Copyright Office?

Safeguarding Your Melodies: Registering Your Music Composition in the US Creating music is a passion, but protecting your creation is essen...